Choosing Website Topics

Choosing A Good Website Topic

Selecting a topic for a blog / website can be tough. Everyone seems to have a "big idea" next or look for hot topics. It is seemed so simple. Only comes with a cool idea, create blogs, sell it for millions to Yahoo or Google and you'll be rich!
Not exactly.
Although this idea has worked for a handful of people, their stories are not smooth as seems. That's why I want to emphasize that choosing a topic for your blog or website is very important. Look example of topic below :

Make Money
If you goal is to make money with a blog / website so I always suggest a simple approach.
Perhaps the idea to create a social networking website like Facebook, including a good idea, but because of the need all the programming and technical knowledge to build and maintain a site like that, it's not a good idea for most people.

Even if we pay a programmer to create a site, it will cost hundreds of million dollars. I do not imagine the risk that you get with the expenditure of such magnitude.
You may need a special space hosting, at a cost that may reach hundreds of millions of dollars per month as well. And while you have to forget about your plans to buy 100 thousand per year. Yes, hosting, the site looks cool on the surface but there are many hidden headache that most of us do not know.

We do not need a luxury website / blog such as Facebook, MySpace, etc. We also do not need a lot of Web programming skills. We only make sites on topics that interest us, attract traffic and make money from the affiliation program and other companies that sell products related to the topic.
Then you can make money from Google ads and refer other products that audience, it then becomes very interesting.
An affiliate site like this is much easier to be created and maintained than several other websites such as Facebook, or MySpace. You can use CMS like WordPress which is easy to its consumer.
No Matter What The Best Topic Is
Maybe, you often hear a questions "What is the best blog topic". Frankly, I can not answer that. That's something you should decide for yourself.
If your goal is to make money so I emphasize how important it is to choose something that interests and hobbies you. Remember, this will be a personal blog, you need to frequent updating to keep visitors and maintain the level of traffic.

So it's important to choose something that you know a lot or at least have some interest to learn more.
The Internet is a big trap that many newcomers fall into it. If they can not decide on a topic they choose, it will be very difficult to make money online.

I think It is a bad idea to choose the topic of "get rich online" if you do not have any experience about that topic. Unless you have evidence you have made some money online and plan to show people how you have to do it, then you at risk to make a website like millions of other sites about "become rich online".
Moreover the niche is too saturated and you will have a hard time generating traffic. Have you ever tried the keywords "make money online" at Google?
There are millions of sites on this topic and difficult to decipher which are real and which ones are just scams. Do you want to be one of them?.
Why is Topic So Important?
You have to understand, good blog is :
  • Online blog that has a unique spin on a particular topic,
  • The content was well written,
  • Frequently updated,
  • The owners understand the basics of marketing
  • They know who their visitors.
These are all things that you should run well if you want to be successful, and you can not finish it in one night. So this is one reason for a blog topic choice is very important.
You must be patient while waiting for traffic to come, by choosing a topic that becomes your hobby, you will not be bored and then leave the site.

And do not worry about what others are doing. Just because seeing someone making millions with a single topic, do not think you should do the same thing or even something similar.

The reason that people are so successful is because the points I mentioned above. Their passion for this topic is to encourage their creativity to produce success. If you choose the same topic you may not be motivated because they have no expertise.

I know it's tempting to copy someone else's idea of success but is really a bad idea for most people.
Now it's time to choose what your interests is and develop a personal spin on it. That's the first step to success here, so I hope you take this message seriously.

The purpose of this article is not to prevent you from creating a blog. If you are already established with your topic, you immediately create a blog.
You can not just buy a software program, to download some templates and create interactive sites such as FaceBook, YouTube or MySpace.
Spacious, hardcore programming required. So, you also have to learn yourself or pay "Hundreds MILLION" a programmer to do it.

It's much better to start small and simple with a blog like I described above and all traffic going started to go, then you can expand to something more powerful and complex.
This will save lots of money and headaches if you do it that way.


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