Table In Blog With Google Docs

How to create a table on the blog already widely shared on other blogs, but how to create tables that will be presented here are very different and much easier for even novice bloggers who do not understand the HTML language. Generally to create a table on a blog or site used HTML code, but in this article we will learn to create tables by using google documents.

How to create a table in Google documents is the same as creating tables in spreadsheet pogram like Microsoft Office Excel or Open Office Calc. The good news is the table is online and can be pasted in a blog of site.
Another advantage of google documents to create table are :

  • No need to understand the HTML code language (<table>, <td>, <tr>, etc).
  • The tables will be like spreadsheets, and can consist of several sheets.
  • Table area (especially width) is not limited by the width of the blog page.
  • Data in the table can not be stolen (copy).
  • Easy to edit directly on google documents.
  • The width and length of rows and columns is easily managed, without any HTML code (width, height, etc)
  • The number of rows and columns can be arranged which you want to display and which do not want to appear

But, nothing is perfect. The lack of creating table with google documents is you can not put a link.
Steps how to create a table with google documents is as follows:

  1. Log in to Google Doc with your Google account.
  2. Click "New" and select "spreadsheet"
  3. Fill the data table and beautify as usual we created in Excel spreadsheets.
  4. Save and name the table that we created
  5. Click the "Share" and choose "Publish As A Webpage"
  6. Select the sheet you want to display and tick the "Automatically republish after changes are made" and click "Start Publishing"
  7. Select "HTML To Embed In A Page", "Sheet" that you want displayed, and the range of rows and columns you want displayed. For example: A1: G18.
  8. Copy the entire existing code and paste it in pages or posts you want to display the table.
  9. Set the table width and length on the width and height in accordance with the width of the blog page. Excess length and width of the table will be displayed in the form of scroll (roll screen).

What do you think? Which is easiest?


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