CSS Shaded Text

Shaded Text Effect with CSS
You can create your own shaded text effects. Make a script like the following:

<title>Shadow Text</title></HEAD> 
<BODY bgcolor="#00FF00"> 
<DIV style="position: absolute;
top: 13px;
left : 12px;
width: 370px;
height: 80px;
font-size: 40pt;
color:808080">HTML Tutorial</DIV>

<DIV style="position: absolute;
top: 10px;
width: 370px;
height: 80px;
font-size: 40pt;
color:red">HTML Tutorial</DIV>

What you get is a text that has a shadow effect.

Text Shadow Effect: you can create a shadow effect on text in other ways using CSS.
Shaded Text Effect with CSS


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