Text Settings

To get a good web page you must make arrangements to texts such as selecting the type and font size, alignment, etc.. The tags below are commonly used in setting the text in HTML documents:

Headers : <Hn> .. </Hn> Used to adjust the font size in the header. "N" has a value between 1-6 or between <H1> until <h6>, with <H1> is the largest size and <h6> is the smallest size.
Example :
<H2> HTML Tutorial </H2>

New paragraph : <P> Used to move the paragraph. These tags can be given the suffix </P> but it can work without the suffix.
Line Break : <BR> Used to move to a new line.

No Line Break : <nobr> When you use this tag, the lengthy text does not automatically move a line under it when the first line was too long.

Fonts : <FONT> To define the various font attributes, they are: SIZE, FACE, COLOR.
SIZE: The size of the font used, ranging from 1-7 with 1 being the smallest and 7 is the largest size.
FACE: The type or font name. You can select a maximum of 3 types of fonts, each separated by a comma. If there is a space that lies in the name of the font it should use an underscore (_). In choosing the type of font should be considered whether the fonts we use on our web page will be found on the computers of other users (the visitor.) In short we should not use fonts that looks weird, just use the default font. But if you want to use fonts that are a bit "weird" you can use a graphic.
COLOR: The color of the font, is defined by using the RGB / HEX or can also directly use the color name (red for example).
<FONT SIZE=4 FACE="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" COLOR="#FF0000"> Examples red text </ FONT>
The result will look like:
Examples red text

Another example
<FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Times_New_Roman" COLOR="#0066CC">

Base Font : <BASEFONT> Used to define the "default text". It has attributes similar to DIV attributes. FONT tag will overwrite settings on BASEFONT.
<BASEFONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial,Helvetica" COLOR="#FF0000">
In addition to tags and attributes above, there are more tags associated with text settings, namely:

Attention : All tags below require tap cover.
<B> Bold text
<I> Italic text
<U> Underscore
<TT> Typewriter
<S> Strikeouts - draws a line through the text
<PRE> Preformatted Text <DFN> Definition
<BLINK> Text blinks (preferably not be used)
<STRONG> Strong
<CITE> Used for quoting text
<CODE> Monospaced font (for use when you want to put (show) the HTML code in your HTML document)
<SAMP> Monospaced font (for use when you want to put (show) the HTML code in your HTML document)
<KBD> Monospaced font (for use when you want to put (show) the HTML code in your HTML document)
<BIG> Will be larger text size one size
<SMALL> Text size will be smaller one size
<SUP> Creating superscript text
<SUB> Make sub script text
<ABBREV> Abbreviations
<ACRONYM> For acronyms
<PERSON> Used for indexing
<Q> Make short inline quotation
<VAR> Creating a variable name, always in italics.


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Top HTML said...

Thank you for reading. I hope this post can help you in making website..

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