JavaScript Affectation Operators

JavaScript Affectation Operators
This operator allows us to simplify the operation of adding value in a variable and stores the result in the variable itself. This operation is usually written in the following way: x = x +2, using the affectation operation operator can be written into : x+=2, and if the initial value of x=7 then the final value x is 9.

JavaScript Comparison Operators

JavaScript Comparison Operators
If you want to compare a variable with other variable in JavScript you can use Comparison Operators. Here is list of Comparison Operator (with x = 7) :

== To compare two values and verifying similarity
Example: x == 3 return the value True, if x is equal to 3, otherwise the value False

JavaScript Calculation Operators

JavaScript Calculation Operators

Calculation operator allows us to modify the values of variables in mathematics.

Here is some Calculation Operators in JavaScript:
+  (sum), adding the two values
-  (reduction), subtracting one value from another value
*  (multiplication), multiplying the two values
/  (division), divide one value with another value

JavaScript Variables Placement

JavaScript Variables Placement

Based on the place where we declare a variable, the variable can be accessed from all parts of the program or only in certain parts of the program. At the time of a variable be declared without using the var keyword, or we can call an implicit way, then that variable can be accessed from all parts of the program (all functions in the program can call and use these variables), and we call this variable as global variables.
Conversely, if we declare a variable by explicitly JavaScript (declaring variables using the var keyword), then the possibility of accessing these variables depend the location where it is declared :

Javascript Variables Declaration

Declaring Variables in Javascript

Writing JavaScript variables are very flexible, and not too complicated and strict, so we do not receive error messages too frequently when running the program. For example in JavaScript variable declarations we can do in two ways:

Javascript Variable Data Type

Javascript Variable Data Type

In JavaScript, we do not need to declare the types of variables we will use, otherwise the language of another programming language (which is more advanced) like C or Java. We have to declare in detail whether the variable used is an integer (int), decimal (float), character (char), and other ...

Actually in JavaScript itself, we can only manipulate 4 types of data are:

Javascript Variable

Javascript Variable

is an object that contains datas, which may be modified during program execution. In JavaScript we can give the name of the variable along that we like, but must meet the following criteria :

JavaScript Array Object

JavaScript Array Object

Array Object is an object that allows us to create and manipulate table, the following is the syntax to create tables:
var x = new Array (element1 [, element2, ...]);

If no element specified in the parameters, the table will be empty table at the time it is made, otherwise if the element is filled, the contents of the table will be initialized by value of the element. In addition to the array object has two characteristic properties namely the input and the length property.

JavaScript Boolean Object

JavaScript Boolean Object
Boolean object is a standard object of the JavaScript that allows us to manipulate the value of boolean type. Here is the syntax used to create booelan objects:
var x = new Boolean (parameters)

JavaScript Date Object

JavaScript Date Object

Date object allows us to work with all variables related to the calendar and time management (duration time). The syntax to create objects date is the following:

JavaScript Math Object

JavaScript Math Object

Math object is an object that has many methods and properties to manipulate numbers and also math functions. All method or property that is used we must begin with the word Math, for example, is as follows:

Math.cos (1);

Here is a table of standard methods of math object:

JavaScript Standard Objects

JavaScript Standard Objects

In JavaScript is also known JavaScript standard object. These objects are standardized by the ECMA Association (European Computer Manufacturer Association). The following is a list of standard JavaScript objects :

Object Name and Description:

Javascript String Object

Javascript String Object

String object is an object that contains some methods and properties to manipulate the string data type. String object has only one property that is length property to obtain the long of data string variable. The syntax of this property are as follows:

x = string_variable_name.length;
x = ('any text'). length;

JavaScript Object

JavaScript Object

JavaScript treats elements that appear on our navigator window as an object, which means that elements:
  • Classified according to the hierarchy / level specific so that we can know where the location of the object actually.
  • Where we associate with the condition or nature of the special nature (properties)

JavaScript Composition

Javascript Composition

Scripts of JavaScript lies in the HTML document.
The code will not be visible from in your navigator window, because between the tags (if you know HTML surely you must know this term) who ordered the navigator to a particular treat that script is the JavaScript. An example of a script that shows that the script is the JavaScript is as follows :

<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
put your code here

JavaScript in HTML

JavaScript and HTML Document
There are several ways to put JavaScript code in the document / HTML page:

Using the <script> tag
By using this method, when accessing an HTML page we should wait until it completes the process of calling the page entirely, before we run The JavaScript program. Process execution of HTML code to display one page is done from top to bottom, the more users who access these pages (and often can not wait ...) can disturb the calling process. In cases where calling a JavaScript function before the call to the JavaScript code is done by the navigator, it will show error message.

Javascript Reference

Javascript Reference
Introduction to Javascript

JavaScript was first introduced by Netscape in 1995. At first the language is called "LiveScript" that serves as a simple language for Netscape Navigator 2 browsers . In those days a lot of criticism of this language because it is less safe, which impressed the development rush and no error messages showed every time we make a mistake when preparing a program. Then, in line with being jealous of cooperation between Netscape and Sun (the developer of "Java" programming language) at the time, then Netscape gave the name "JavaScript" to the language on 4 December 1995. At the same time, Microsoft's attempt to adapt this technology, which they called "JScript" in Internet Explorer browser.

Adding Components Website

Adding Components Website
Components on the website is a business that should not be forgotten by the web designer. Because these components are complementary components that make your website complete and demand by visitors.
There are many components that have ready-made in web builder such as Frontpage that can be used by designers to be loaded on a page into a web browser. These components provide a quick and easy to use without you having to learn the writing of the script or ActiveX and Java programming. The components are:

Designing Web Pages

Designing Web Pages
Theme is a unity of all the design elements and colors that appear in web pages that appear in the consistency and look attractive. By using the theme then we easily create or add web pages in a professional appearance. FrontPage has provided a wide variety of themes that you can use and you can also change it.

ASP Method

ASP Method

Redirect Method Directing The Internet address to another URL
Response.Redirect (

Internet and Web Introduction

Understanding the Internet
Internet derived from the word Interconnection Networking that is meaningful relationships with various types of computers that make a network system that covers the entire world (global computer network) by means of telecommunications such as telephone lines, radio links, satellite and others.
In a set of integration and computer network communication protocol that is used in TCP / IP. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) in charge of ensuring that all links are working properly, while the IP (Internet Protocol) which transmits data from one computer to another.

ASP Object

ASP Object
ASP has several "objects" that can be used to send and receive information from and to Web-Client.
  1. Response to provide answers to the Web-Client.
  2. Request to retrieve info from the Web-Client
  3. Application for Lock and Unlock (Concurrency problem)
  4. Session is an object that provides information about the Session-ld, Timeout and other
Object "Response"
Providing answers to the Web-Client form:
Property Status:
That is the condition of the answer given
200 Request a success and the data can be sent.
300 Request can not be fulfilled, because the location has changed / moved.
301 Request can not be filled for a while.
404 Request not fulfilled because it is not in Server. No data is sent.
500 Request can not be met, an internal error.
Content Property Type
Type MIME type / subtype:
- Image / gif
- Image / jpg
- Text / html
- Text / plain
- ... ...

ASP Request

ASP Request
Object "Request" Retrieving information from a Web-Client:
  • Server Variables
  • The information from the user through a form (form)
  • And others, such as Cookies

ASP Variables

ASP Variables

Variables can be declared in VBScript via the key word DIM. Variables do not have a specific type, but is considered as universal (or known as a variable in Visual Basic).
<% DIM I DIM NAME DIM ADDRESS I = 350 Name = "Top HTML" Address = "" <HTML> The value of the variable I is <% Response. Write (I)%> <% Response.Write (name) Response.Write (address) %> </ HTML>



Edit the text file and name halo.asp, place the halo.asp in the directory, known by the PWS (Personal Web Server). On the Access checkbox, enable "Execute" as in the example below.
<H1> Program with ASP </ H1>
</ HTML>

ASP Introduction

Web Programming with ASP

ASP (Active Server Pages) is a WEB-based technology that was developed as an application program, a program text which is then executed on the server. The program of this text can be a VB-Script, Java Script or other scripts such as PERL. Courses VB-Script or Java Script in the beginning is a program that can only be executed in the WEB-Browser (as Client). With ASP, then this technique can be applied. ASP program can be "embedded" directly on HTML text by giving the initial code in the form of <% and closed with%>. Symbol is called a script delimiter.

CSS Background and Color

Background and Color Properties
CSS background properties are used to manage background view in an element. For example, to set background color, make image background, and set background position.

Color property change foreground color, which is frequently used text. Example:
This text is plain, <SPAN style="color:orange"> but I’m orange </ SPAN>

CSS Font Properties

Font Properties
CSS font properties are used to set fonts used in a website. For example, to set font type, font size, weight and font style.


name of the font
Font-family property is used to make the font type to be displayed on the screen. The default is what used browsers, namely Times New Roman. If you want to change to Arial type the following code:
<DIV Style="font-family:Arial"> The font is Arial for this section. </ DIV>

CSS External Sheets

External Sheets
To help you manage an influential style sheet to all pages in your web. You can use an external style sheet. To get started you can type into an empty file:
DIV {font-family: Arial} . Redfont {color: red}
Then save the name "style1.css" (you can type another file name according to what you want but make sure extensionnya is .css).